How do you live after death ?

It’s so hard for me to feel like my trauma hasn’t tainted my Life in a way I will never get it back.

The connections I made, people I thought I knew either have elevated in my life or have disappeared from it since my transformation.

In a mixture and whirlwind of feelings it still shocks me at times that I can be considered an inspiration to anyone at any point of my life. Life is an inevitable cycle you live and you die. What happens in between, like a sandwich is the real layer that matters.

I’ve been asked this before, “ How do you live after death? “My only response, do you have a choice? If you are still breathing after a loss, you are automatically alive. That doesn’t always equate to “living” though right.

Finding the new normal amongst a sea of people that only know one type of normal is annoying as fuck. You are literally on a roller coaster ride in your head while you have to sit politely and hold casual conversations with a coworker about who knows what .

But you show up, respond, nod, smile and chuckle automatically.

I hate it here but I love it here, it’s wild.

I am blown away by the amount of shit I have achieved after having the rug ripped from under me.

Blown away by how I can still be a mother-a damn good one at that!

Blown away by my newly adapted patience and understanding that people are fucking crazy and to meet people and leave people right where they are.

Family or not, y’all be tripping and it’s nothing more satisfying then kicking someone out of your life because your HEALING #ByeFelishia

Blown away by this faith of knowing I am really that girl and even with all my down days piled up in a big ball I will still, eventually, overcome them all without breaking a sweat.

I don’t wish this life on anyone and as much as I dwell on how far I’ve come, I cringe at times of my extended periods of stillness in the present but yet I still OverStand that in these periods-seeds are planted just waiting to bloom.



It’s so much to live for. So many new adventures to explore. People to meet. Places to see. Love to give. I will never have the answer of How to live after death, but I do know Why you should.


Love and light,


Outside #NYC Summer 2023

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